We started our week with an audio-visual story about vehicles we use to travel. The children followed the song by saying ”I spy with my little eye. You hear with your little ear.” then mimicked the sounds of each vehicle. It was followed by another story about finding Spot and the words inside, outside, and behind were emphasized.
After the Morning Circle, the Rabbit Team went to the park with the Panda Team and played with wooden scraps and in the Monkey Bars.
The Monkey, Bear, and Lion Team had their Soccer Lesson. Their hand and eye coordination and motor skills were improving. Great job everybody!

-Soccer Lesson-

After the Morning Circle, the Rabbit Team went to the park with the Panda Team and played with wooden scraps and in the Monkey Bars.
The Monkey, Bear, and Lion Team had their Soccer Lesson. Their hand and eye coordination and motor skills were improving. Great job everybody!
-Soccer Lesson-