
Swimming Lesson!!

Every Wednesday,Lion&Bear&Monkey team will go to swmming lesson!!
I'm learning how to swim!
I'm trying to stand  inside the pool!
Look! We are floating !!
We love swimming in the big pool!!


Let's make "Dragon Sensu!!"

We tried to make a sensu with lovely dragon!!                                                                                             I try to make sweet yellow dragon!
I like cool blue dragon!
Let use some sponge with blue paint and try to hit on the  white spaces!!                                                                                                        
Let put glue on each tiny flower.
                                                                                                                                                concentrate...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            There are sweet&cool dragons with lovely color!!                 We made it!!



It`s our first time this year to go to the pool!
We are so excited!!!
Look at us!

It`s fun!
We are so happy!


Hula Dance Lesson

It`s been a month since we started our
        Hula Dance Lessons.                     

We have already remembered the story
 which we are telling through the movements of our hands:
"I love..."

"I know..."

"I hear..."

We like dancing so much and we are happy when we dance!!!!

                                                       We are learning new movements....

We have remembered the first part of the dance and can dance it without a teacher`s help.



Our Soccer Lessons

We`re tired, but happy!

Who is faster?

The next exercise is going to be difficult...

It`s fun!!!

No hands!!!

We are playiong bowling with the soccer balls )))

We are wating for our turns...

Playing soccer with our coach...

We are playing a game )) The coach said: "touch the ball with your back."